Chapter 23: Everything I Do...
The cold days
of winter changed slowly to warmer weather, bringing back the lovely
sounds of the birds and life in general all over the planet. In
the Northern Hemisphere, in what used to be one of the brightest
and most modern civilizations, the spring also brought back hope
in the hearts of the survivors of the old island of England. The
survivors who were now under the protection of the RDF were slowly
but strongly rebuilding the cities and old towns that were destroyed
after the rain of fire. Nature was wise and the green of the fields
returned after a few seasons like a blessing for the ground and
the lives of those who saw once again the light and the blue sky
of the cold land. Every woman, man and child took a walk in the
country, enjoying the warmth of the first sunlight on the skin in
A woman walked
alone in an unknown direction, following the direction of the spring
wind. A single tear left a mark on her pale face, but she left it
there, tired of hiding her feelings for so long. Her green eyes
lost the brightness they once had but they showed a determination
that had saved thousands of lives so many times. This time she wasn’t
saving the planet with her professional decisions, but she was saving
the life of the one she cared for the most with her own sacrifice.
The still cold wind blew her brown hair over her face, pushing her
tenderly in the direction that mother earth decided for her. With
her heart in pieces, she put her hand in her pocket and took a picture
from it. While she walked, she tenderly touched the printed faces
of her friends and her husband. Breathing deeper, she kissed each
one of the smiling persons for the last time. Her walk took her
to the north shore and to the salty smell of the ocean. For the
last time, the woman turned around and watched the land she left
behind. A small boat came into sight and she turned to face it.
A small smile crossed her lips when an old man waved to her from
the boat and shouted with an Irish accent “I will be right
there Mrs. Smith”. The woman, a little ashamed, looked at
the ground, not used to the fact that she had to use a fake name
for this, her last adventure. After a few minutes, she climbed on
the boat with the help of the nice old man and they began the trip,
following the direction of the wind one more time.
“So you’re
going back home, Mrs. Smith?” asked the old man, knowing exactly
that the name wasn’t hers, but knowing from experience that
everyone had a reason to lie sometimes and that they had the right
to keep that in private.
“Yes,” she answered sadly, enabled to look into the
clear blue eyes of the old man. The old sailor nodded and walked
away, leaving her the solitude of the sea. The woman silently thanked
the man and looked into the horizon watching as the sun slowly went
down. She took the picture from her pocket and with a final look
at the happy faces and to her past, she opened her hand and let
the wind take it away from her. The picture flew slowly over the
boat and into the sky before it finally was lost in the horizon.
While the sun finally set, Lisa closed her eyes, asking for forgiveness
to them and for help, to God.
A month before…
Just a couple of days after the accident, Lisa was released from
hospital with instructions for her full recovery. Rick was right
next to her every moment, never leaving her side. She enjoyed the
feeling of his full attention for her and just for her. It was just
too sad to know that after all that year they had spent together,
just in this very moment he realized he loved her. It was just a
cruel joke of destiny that she had to leave him.
They went back home and everybody was there waiting for her. They
made a small welcome back party for her. Roy himself cooked a cake
and Dana was in charge of the decoration of it, so the result was
obviously a weird blue, green and pink masterpiece. The Trio was
all over Lisa, not letting her do anything. They would run for a
spoon, they would run for a glass of water. Miriya was near her
in a protecting mode, like a bodyguard and Max just let her deal
with her own feelings of the almost lost friend in her own way.
Claudia was sitting next to her; holding and patting her hand like
a mother. They all laughed and enjoyed the company of each other
and tried to leave behind the sad memory of almost losing their
It was Rick
who said their goodbyes at 7 o’clock and took her to bed.
They walked in silence to their bedroom and Lisa felt weird to walk
again up the stairs hand in hand with Rick. She looked over to him
and saw a new glitter in his baby blue eyes and her heart pumped
faster, feeling that he looked at her the way she always prayed
for him to look at her, with unconditional love. Rick smiled at
her and suddenly took her in his arms and kissed her on the lips.
“Did I
say today that I love you?” he asked holding her in the air.
“Like a thousand times, but I don’t mind hearing it
one more time,” she answered, feeling like she was flying.
“You don’t? Well, then I will say it again, I love you,”
he said opening the door and moving her straight to bed.
Lisa laughed a little and waited for him to do everything and climb
into the bed with her. The night was cold but they were finally
together, feeling the warmth of their bodies and their souls. They
didn’t talk; they just watched each other for a long time
before they fell asleep holding hands.
The time went
fast and all the love around her made Lisa forget the horrible threat
that was over her. After almost three weeks since she was back home,
the reality hit her with a warning she didn’t expect and with
someone she least expected.
is Dana? I’m supposed to take her of her today,” Sammy
asked one morning at breakfast.
“She was right here,” said Roy, looking up from eating
his toast.
“She is probably with Max in the garden; they found a nest
of birds in one of the trees the other day,” answered Rick
calmly. They all relaxed until a sudden silence overtook them. Lisa
looked at Roy and he looked at Rick, who looked at Sammy.
“I think I am going to look for her,” said Sammy standing
up and leaving out the back door.
The strange feeling remained over them until Claudia and Miriya
came into the kitchen.
with the silence?” asked Claudia frowning and taking a cup
of tea.
“Nothing, nothing… it’s just that we were wondering
where Dana was,” said Roy, trying not to alarm them.
“She’s with Max watching some videos upstairs,”
answered Miriya, sitting next to him.
They sighed
and relaxed after that. “I guess Sammy is just freezing her
butt off for no reason. You are all just paranoid,” said Roy
grinning before Lisa kicked his leg under the table.
been a while since Sammy left to look for Max and Dana outside,”
commented Rick after 10 minutes, “I don’t think she
would still be looking for them, right?” he said and then
everybody noticed her long absence.
“I think
it’s better if we go out for her before she gets a cold,”
said Roy, feeling a little guilty for his previous comment about
They called
downstairs to Max, Kim and Vanessa and informed them about what
had happened. Max stayed with Dana at home and they all went outside
to look for the little red head. Lisa felt the strange feeling over
her and walked a little faster. They spent fifteen minutes looking
for her and the weather was getting worse by each moment. The frozen
wind slapped their faces and their calls for her were growing stronger
and more worried.
the hell is she?!” asked Roy and Claudia nodded worriedly.
Lisa walked
ahead in no particular direction. She suddenly stopped and listened
carefully. The wind moved the leaves of the trees and that was all
they heard until they could hear the heavy and slow steps of someone
walking over the dead leaves on the ground. Far in the distance,
they saw the small figure of Sammy walking, covering her arms around
her and falling on the ground. They all ran to pick her up. Sammy
was soaking wet and freezing.
happened?!” asked Miriya who was the first one there and helped
her get up.
answered Sammy and would have fallen again if weren’t for
Rick who caught her in his arms.
“C’mon! Let’s go back or she will freeze to death!”
said Rick and they all ran back to the house.
Max opened the
door and ran to boil some water when he saw her coming in Rick’s
arms. They moved her next to the fire and took away her clothes.
After a few minutes and when she stopped shaking, Lisa asked her
what happened.
“I was
looking for Max and Dana and I reached the river bridge. I thought
they were in another place and I was going to come back, because
it was getting cold, but somehow I fell from the bridge into the
river. The water was fast and cold and I couldn’t get out
for a few minutes…I reached a rock and held on there until
I was able to stand up and walk back home,” said Sammie shaking
a little and drinking from her hot tea.
“But how you did you fall into the river?!” asked Claudia.
“I...I’ am not sure, it was like someone pushed me over
the side but there was nobody there…or at least I didn’t
see anybody,” answered Sammie.
“You probably made a wrong step, that’s all,”
said Kim with a worried face, “I am just glad you are all
right,” she said holding her friend’s hand as Sammie
“So, where were you anyway?” asked Sammie, looking at
“I was upstairs!” he answered and then Dana came into
the room and jumped into Sammie’s lap.
“Poor Sammie, she’s cold,” said the little girl.
“I am fine,” said Sammie holding the girl and they went
on and on talking.
Lisa stood quietly
there and listened to the rain that had started falling outside.
She knew that wasn’t an accident. She looked over at them
from her corner and bit her lower lip in worry. Rick saw her and
walked next to her.
“You ok?” he said holding her.
“Yes, I am fine,” she lied.
“She’s fine, don’t worry…” he said
looking into her eyes. Lisa smiled and thought how much she would
like for that to be true.
When the rain
stopped, and after announcing that she was going outside to look
for something, Lisa went outside and followed the path to the river.
Everything was normal on the bridge and she looked around into the
woods until a small reflection took her attention. She walked to
the forest next to the river and followed the light. What she saw
was the reflection of a knife in one the trees, holding a piece
of paper. With her heart beating fast, Lisa took the knife and read
the paper.
warning,” she read aloud and shook in fear. Her assumptions
were right. The accident of Sammie wasn’t an accident. Lisa’s
eyes filled with tears and the cold wind remembered the reality
of her life.
Feeling observed,
she walked back home quickly and tried to hide how scared she was
for her and her friends and family. That night at dinner she remained
in silence, but nobody noticed except for Dana who walked over and
hugged her.
The night before her four week deadline passed, Lisa walked over
to Rick and put her arms around him. He smiled at her.
“What was that for?” he asked tenderly to her.
“Just because I felt like it…” she said feeling
how her throat closed and she almost couldn’t breathed because
of her sadness.
“Someone is emotional…” he joked and turned around
and held her close to him “are you near that time of the month?”
he said grinning. Lisa laughed and hit his arm.
“No!” she said and put her hands around his neck, “I
will not hug you again if you are going to act like a jerk!”
she warned him.
“Ok, ok…sorry, please never stop hugging me,”
he said touching his nose to hers.
Lisa couldn’t
answer that. She knew that was a promise she couldn’t keep.
“I need
to tell you that I love you and everything I did and will do is
because I love you more than my own life,” she said, serious
now. Rick looked at her strangely.
“Hey, what was that for?” he asked, making her look
at him in the eyes. Lisa did everything to hold her sadness away.
“Just because I want you to know, that’s all,”
she lied with a smile on her face.
“I love you Lisa, I don’t know how I was so blind before…”
he said pressing his forehead against hers.
“It doesn’t matter anymore, Rick. Your love brought
me back to life…” she said softly.
“You know…I think I know when I fell in love with you,”
he said trying to make her lose her sad face.
“Since when?” she asked curiously.
“Well, I always felt attracted to you, since the day I called
you an old sourpuss,” he said laughing and she hit him again
in the arm.
“Ouch! Well, ok…I always felt attracted to you, but
you were so out of my league. I never really expect you to notice
me at all and of course there was the little thing that I was obsessed
with Minmei…I couldn’t see or think about anyone else
then…” said Rick being honest.
“I know…” said Lisa remembering those times and
she immediately held him closer.
“But…I think I fell in love with you that day when we
fell into that water tank and I saw you soaking wet and laughing
at me, remember?” he said, kissing her forehead. Lisa nodded
“You were so…how can I put it into words…”
said Rick trying to find the words “You were just the real
you. Not the captain, but the person. There we were, in a life or
death situation and you were laughing at me, with your long hair
wet and wearing that sexy flying suit…” he added rolling
his eyes at the memory, enjoying it.
“Hey! You just like me in tight clothes!” she complained,
“No, no…I admit that I love it, but that day I also
saw you, the real you… the person I see now. All defenses
down, strong, funny, smart…just you,” he said smiling
against her lips.
Lisa closed her eyes and felt the electricity running around them.
The attraction was almost magnetic, pushing them to kiss each other.
“I remember the first time we kissed,” said Rick excitedly
as he broke the kiss a little to breath and talk, “even if
it was an order…your order…it was so exquisite…”
and then Rick kissed her again.
They kissed
and Rick slowly pushed her against the nearest wall. Lisa found
herself between him and the wall. She looked at him and saw his
need, his need of her. Lisa realized this was the last time in her
life she was going to be able to be with him, as his wife, as his
friend and as his lover. Feeling all her emotions mixed up, she
kissed him and Rick took that as a yes for his actions. He took
her arms slowly and pushed them against the wall, holding her there,
kissing her jaw line and moving to her neck. Lisa closed her eyes
and enjoyed the feeling.
The made love
against the wall with passion, and then he moved her to the bed
and continued making love all night tenderly, until they both couldn’t
move anymore. When Rick was asleep, Lisa took that time to watch
him and memorize every line of his face, every angle, every hair
of his head. She memorized how he breathed, how he moved…she
didn’t notice when she began to cry in silence and held herself
against him, praying that all the situation was just a nightmare
and she was able to stay with him forever.
The next morning,
they all went to work and Lisa wrote a letter to each one of them.
To all of them she told the truth, about Jake and his threatening
of them. She tried to explain her reasons as well as she could.
To each one she told something personal and unique: To Claudia,
she told her how much her friendship meant to her, that she was
like a sister. To Roy she explained more why she made the decision
to leave and that now his job was to watch over his son or daughter.
Lisa asked for Max to watch over Rick. To Miriya she asked to try
to understand why she wasn’t a coward and to take care of
everyone, especially Dana. To the Trio she just sent her love and
told them to always take care of themselves and to always be happy
and lovely as they were now. The hard letter was for Rick, asking
for him not to look for her, telling him that she loved him more
than anything in her life, asking him to forgive her.
She couldn’t
look at any of them. She left the letters for them on the base and
after sending her resignation letter to Gloval; she changed clothes
and walked away from the base leaving behind her family, her life
and her love. With a single tear, Lisa felt the warm wind of the
spring pushing her to an unknown direction and a new adventure,
A small little boy ran in the forest, escaping from two older boys.
Peter! Give us that thing!” shouted one of the older boys,
running after him.
“I will not! You are going to torture the puppy!” shouted
the little boy holding against him a light brown puppy dog.
“It’s a little beast! It bites me!!” said the
second boy, running faster.
“You bother him! What do you expect!” said the small
blond boy with black glasses.
They all ran
until Peter stopped because the road was blocked by a huge rock.
The puppy was hiding under his shirt and the two older boys stopped
and looked at him with big, mean grins.
“Now Peter, give me that dog or we will hurt you…”
said the first boy, who looked like the boss.
“Yeah…and we don’t want to hurt you or we will
have to do our own homework,” the second boy joked.
“I will not! Leave us alone!!” shouted Peter back, shaking
in fear. The puppy hid even more in his shirt and cried.
The two boys
were walking toward Peter when a shadow over the rock stopped them.
right there! Leave him alone,” said a voice over the rock.
The boys tried to look but the sun was behind this person, so they
couldn’t see.
“Who are you? This is not your problem!” said one of
the kids.
The voice grinned and who ever it was jumped in front of Peter who
was still holding the puppy.
“It is my problem when you are attacking someone in my gang,
you know?” said the voice of the mysterious kid, who wasn’t
as tall as the two boys. They couldn’t see a face, because
the person had a hat.
“Who the hell are you?!” said the older kid, walking
to confront him but then stopped when the mysterious person looked
up. The boy’s eyes grew wider and they both ran away like
they saw a ghost.
Peter finally
breathed in relief when the mean boys were out of sight.
“Thanks!” he said sitting on the floor and letting the
puppy out of his shirt.
“Your welcome. I am glad they recognized me; if my mom knew
I was in another fight, I would be dead!!”
“By the way, nice entrance!”
“Thanks, I was practicing it…It is more dramatic. I
think it suits me,” said the kid, taking off the hat.
Peter smiled when he saw the face of his savoir. When the hat came
off, a pile of long light brown hair came out and framed the face
of a girl with baby blue eyes.
“It’s a good thing that you protect us from the bullies.
Even the older boys are afraid of you, and you are just eight,”
said the boy, now concentrating on playing with the puppy. The girl
smirked in a very familiar way.
“Well…” she said coming to play with the dog,
too, “maybe I am eight years old, but I do know how to punch.
It’s a good thing that the reputation of Sarah Hayes is well
known,” said Sarah holding the puppy and laughing when the
dog licked her face.