This fanfiction is dedicate to all Robotech fanatics who felt that Lisa and Rick deserve a more developed relationship during the serie. But this fanfic is dedicate specially to Jo Anderson, GPPR and my mother, three very important people who understood, understand and stimulate my Robotech passion every day. Thank you.
Carla Fox. |
Destiny is my own Robotech Universe. Is actually an alternative
universe that start before To The Stars episode.It is a VERY different
story, more human, less science fiction (but there is some, of course).
If you want a mecha-fic, this is not it. The main theme here is
easy: Romance and Drama. This is rate as a fanfic for older people, because for the
action, some violence and language. Roy Fokker is alive in my fic.
I really don't like Minmei AT ALL, so in my fic she is not main
character and I am not nice with her. If you are fan of hers, maybe
you will not like to read this, because I am a HUGE Lisa Hayes and
Rick Hunter fan. PLEASE, if you are going to read this, have in
mind all I said before.
Disclaimer: BITTERSWEET DESTINY is a fanfiction written by Carla Aguilar (nickname Carla “Fox”). ROBOTECH and all other related characters, names, and indicia are trademarks of Harmony Gold USA, Inc. This fanfic was written for noncommercial purposes. Any other popular private references, belongs to their owners. No infringement is intended. Santiago de Chile, Online since 2003.
I made some characters of my own for this fanfic, so if you want to use them, please let me know beforehand.
Original characters and settings are covered by a Creative Commons license.
 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.0 Chile License.
For more amazing and beautiful drawings of Robotech, please visit: and say hello to GPPR.
And this is the amazing AMAZING AND BEAUTFUL view of Sarah and Sean according to the great imagination and natural artistic talent of GPPR.